First off, let me be clear I’m not complaining!
That out of the way, I’m in fact sincerely thankful to have had the rare opportunity this week to appear on four different geocaching podcasts in one week.
For those interested, here’s the quick recap and links to each show.
Day | Podcast | Topic | Link! |
Monday | Podcacher | Upvoting Logs | |
Wednesday | Geocaching Podcast | Favourite Caching Apps | |
Thursday | GeoGearheads | Earthcaching | |
Thursday | Caching in the Northwest | Geocaching in Utah | |
If you’d like a little more insight into the process and contents before you click through to the links, here’s the brief synopsis for each podcast appearance.

I was contacted by my friends at Podcacher and asked, as a Canadian Geocacher, if I had any thoughts on the new upvoting innovation on geocaching logs. Of course I do!
I offered to record some content for them and they graciously accepted and played it in show 651 (can you believe they have recorded over 650 episodes!!!).
This episode contains some interesting and diverse opinions and feedback on upvoting from geocachers in Canada and Norway, the two countries where upvoting is currently enabled.
Take a listen to Podcacher episode 651, and check out log upvoting. Share YOUR thoughts on Twitter and Facebook, and please tag @LANMonkeyGC so I can hear what you think!
Geocaching Podcast:

In case you hadn’t heard, the Gecoaching Podcast is back from the summer hiatus with a new format and (almost) the same hosts. Andy has retired from the show after contributing to it’s success for several years, and Scott Berks and Taz427 are now joined by ShortyKnits.
The new format is a call in show – each week the hosts pick a different topic and encourage listeners to call in and share their thoughts, live on the air!
This week the topic was “Useful Apps for Geocaching” and there were some great ones shared. Check it out; if you didn’t hear your favourite, or want to weigh in on that conversation, share your thoughts on Facebook or Twitter, and again, please tag me so I can hear what you have to say.

Chris of the Northwest and DarrylW4 contacted me a few weeks ago and asked if I could fill in for Darryl (can anyone really ever fill in for Darryl?!) and talk about Earthcaches.
Of course I can! And since GeoGearheads tends to be technology and innovation focused, I thought it would be fun to throw in a news story about China creating artificial moons to orbit the earth, and then dig into the numbers and stats about the 2018 International Earthcache Weekend.
This led to Chris and I each sharing some interesting stories about our adventures finding our Earthcaches for the souvenir that weekend.
I also answered a listener’s question and gave some top tips about my own process/workflow for creating new Earthcaches. We then provided an update on the status of the GSA’s Earthcache Academy.
Did you get your souvenir? Do you have questions about creating Earthcaches? I’d love to hear about your adventures, or your thoughts about Earthcaches. Again, please share those thoughts on Facebook or Twitter and don’t forget to tag me in your post so I can make sure I read it!
Caching in the Northwest:

Last, but surely not least (?), is the podcast closest to my heart, the one I spend every Thursday night with my close and awesome friends WitzEnd and Chris of the Northwest.
This week on CachingNW we had show Patrons CampClan join us to talk about their recent adventure of going Geocaching in the amazing state of Utah. Having completed the Visit Utah Geotour myself, I had lots to share and discuss with them.
The timing couldn’t be better as I had just received my official Utah GeoAmbassador jacket that very night and was able to wear it proudly during the podcast!
They shared their adventure of finding Potter’s Pond on the cusp of winter, and some of the places they explored on their adventures. We then “shifted gears” to chat a bit about bike share services available in several cities, and how those can be used for Geocaching.
Have you visited Utah and have thoughts or pictures to share? Have you tried Geocaching using a bike or scooter share service? We’re really curious to hear more about your experiences and opinions; share them on Twitter and Facebook, and remember to tag me @LANMonkeyGC so I can read all about it!
The Week of the Monkey

So in summary, a very busy but fun week in podcasting for me, and I am so thankful to each of the hosts/producers for making time to include me and my thoughts on their podcasts.
I hope you enjoy listening to each, and make sure that you let the podcast hosts know what you think about their episodes.
And until we chat next, cache safely and cache often!