So Much Geocaching Talk!

First off, let me be clear I’m not complaining! That out of the way, I’m in fact sincerely thankful to have had the rare opportunity this week to appear on four different geocaching podcasts in one week.  For those interested, here’s the quick recap and links to each show. Day Podcast Topic Link! Monday Podcacher […]

Behind the Scenes – Season 1 Episode 1

Accompanying each episode of Geocaching Adventures we’ll provide a “behind the scenes” blog article to give you details on the cool adventures you saw in the video.   What should you expect here? Things like:  GC codes for the caches we found Maps of where we traveled Photos and video that didn’t make the cut but […]

Top 3 Things to Know About Snowshoes

It’s the perfect time of year to get out snowshoeing – heading out for a geocaching adventure, or just enjoying the beauty of winter. But if you’ve never been before, or maybe you have been but you’ve got some questions, what do you need to know? Here’s the top three things you need to know […]

3 Ways to be Tsunami-Safe When Geocaching

Hey Geocachers,  So we had a “near miss event” overnight in the Northwest – a tsunami warning from the 7.9 Magnitude earthquake off the coast of Alaska. Great news is that all regions I’ve heard about were not hit by a tsunami of any significant size. So after a collective sigh of relief, I thought […]

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