How Can You Help Lytton, BC?

The day after the village of Lytton, British Columbia set the unenviable national all-time record for hottest day (49.6 C) the town was decimated by an unprecedented wildfire that left more than 1,000 people homeless. The biggest question we’ve heard is “How can I help?” and here are some official suggestions from our friend Marcie […]

Guest Blog – What Makes My Favourite EarthCaches

A guest blog contributed by geoawareCA Greetings.  My name is Sandra, also known as geoawareCA, and I am one of 32 active volunteer EarthCache Reviewers.  I have been reviewing EarthCaches for eleven years now, and in that time I have read and published thousands of EarthCache submissions.  My current review territory is Canada, but I […]

Geocaching – The Best Outdoor Family Activity for 2021

Get outside they said. But not too far. Engage in some activity. But not outside your bubble. After a year of this, it’s amazing parents are able to keep going. I’ve never been so thankful my kids are grown up. But they weren’t always grown ups, and I can certainly empathize with the some of […]

What Makes Geocaching in BC So Great?

If you’ve followed anything I’ve created you’ll know by now I’m an unapologetic fanatic for the beautiful place I am blessed to call home. And there are so many reasons for me to be thankful that this is home. But what is it that makes it uniquely amazing to go Geocaching in British Columbia? I […]

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