LANMonkey Adventure Geocaching

What’s in a Geocaching Name?

LANMonkey on
LANMonkey on

I’ve had a few people ask recently about where our Geocaching/social media name came from, but even that has prompted me to think about other people’s usernames and what the origin stories are.

So I thought the easiest way to address that is to write a blog post here to ask about all of yours, and share the back story of our user name.

So please feel free to add in the comments below and tell us your user name, and share the backstory on it! In the meantime, I’ll tell you where ours came from.

Some 25 years ago (or more, I guess) in the IT industry, personal computer networks were coming into their own in offices everywhere, replacing the “green screen” terminals connected to mainframes. I worked as one of the people who learned how to interconnect these PCs with each other and their servers via the Local Area Networks. And I was often one of the people up a ladder in the plenum space above the suspended ceilings pulling the cables and terminating them.

This climbing about resulted in the nickname of being a LAN-Monkey, which simply stuck with me for my entire varied professional career. When we took up the game of Geocaching and needed to come up with a user name for the system, we decided we’d just use that one “for now, and change it later.” It appears that later has not come and the name has really stuck.

So how about you? What’s the backstory on your geocaching name? And are you planning to change yours “later?” Go ahead and share your story, we’d love to hear it!

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